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Maria Simpson Weekly Columns

Weekly Columns

Two Minute Training

Is a weekly column on management communications and conflict resolution started in 2003.


“I read your emails regularly and think they are fabulous. What a wonderful service your provide to us practitioners. Your tips help us increase our insight and build our skills, helping is help others better.”

“Great info. Even when we know this stuff, we still need to be reminded.”

“Thank you for your words of wisdom . . .  I am going to use this for an educational in-service with my staff.”

“Your timing is impeccable. Sometimes I think you can read my mind.”


Over 200 columns on management communications and conflict resolution have been distributed to subscribers, and over 60 reprinted at


Feel free to distribute these columns to members of your department or team, and if you’d like to reprint them in your newsletters, just contact me and let me know which ones you need. I’m delighted to know they're helpful.

See the TMT Library for more columns at no cost at

Thanks for subscribing!

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